On August 25th, 2018, BMSD is hosting its 6th Annual Golf Tournament at Newport Golf Club in Newport, NH. We are anticipating around 100 participants and volunteers on the day of the event.
Player Information. The registration fee is $85.00 per player with includes greens fees for 18 holes, cart (one cart per four member team) and a luncheon buffet. Registration starts at 8:00am and a Shotgun start will be at 9:00am. There will be raffle tickets and mulligans for purchase before play begins and prizes will be drawn during the awards. The format is a 4 Person Scramble. Prizes will be awarded in the following categories: Longest Drive; Closest to the Pin; Longest Putt; Hole-in-One; First Place, Second Place and Third Place Teams. Our registration form is available here.
Sponsorship Opportunities. This is also a great opportunity for local business to advertise. If you or your company has interest in being a part of the event, we are offering an array of options in return for sponsorship. This tax-exempt sponsorship will help with costs of putting on such an event and assist with meeting the BMSD Fundraising goal. There are Corporate, Tee and Greens sponsorships available (see registration form for more information) and if those are filled up we will also be offering a $50 Banner Sponsorship. Banner sponsors would receive a highly visible location on the course to display a banner roughly 3 ft by 5ft in size. If you are unable to make a financial donation we would welcome any prize or raffle donations as well. All sponsorships will also be proudly displayed on press releases, posters, Facebook page, and our website, http://www.snowdusters.org.
Why support BMSD? BMSD is an all-volunteer club that has worked over the years to develop and maintain approximately 65 miles of recreational trails on public and private property throughout Grantham and neighboring towns–all at no cost to the taxpayer. In addition to providing trail oriented recreation activities to the public, BMSD assists the Grantham Fire Department in winter search and rescue operations and supports the activities and programs of the Grantham Recreation Department. Over the past 39 years BMSD has participated in the New Hampshire Snowmobile Association Annual Easter Seals Ride-In. During the 2017-18 season we were among the 115 clubs statewide that raised over $100,000 to support their campaign.